Top 4 Upcoming Food Festivals in South Africa

South Africa is known as the greatest culinary hub of the world. People of the country are fun-loving and foodie, so it is also known as ‘foodie’s paradise’. The countrymen celebrate seasons at every month with food festivals and events to relax the work pressure engrossed with the regular busy schedule. The food festivals in South Africa celebrate the heritage of music, feasts, and entertainment in the country.

Food Festivals SA

South Africa has own home diversity and huge success by hosting chic & international food festivals, where you may get lots of entertainment and fun with food, drinks and chill with friends & families.

Here is a list of some upcoming food festivals in South Africa:

1: Knysna Oyster Festival

If you want to chill out a day with family, friends with lots of foods and fun, then ‘Knysna Oyster Festival’ is the best place to enjoy. The event includes trail runs, marathons, rides on the dam, cycling and multiple Oyster-made recipes and other seafood. Once you visit the event, you will enjoy the satiating drinks, scrumptious foods, live music and dance with your loved ones.

Date of the Festive– 29th June to 8th July 2018

Venue– Knysna Quays, Knysna, 6570

Contact– +27-44-3825510


2: TOPS at SPAR Bierfest

When we are n search of beer, sauerkraut, and sausages, TOPS at SPAR Bierfest is the best place of merry-making with family and friends. This food festival caters brews from lagers to craft beers. Music performance like Oompah Brand and The Rockefellers rocks the locals and visitors of Cape Town, Pretoria and Durban.

Dates– Durban: 31st August to 1st September 2018

Pretoria: 26th to 17ths October 2018

Cape Town: 28th to 29th November 2018

Venues– Durban Bierfest: Sibaya Sun Park

Pretoria Bierfest: Times Square

Cape Town Bierfest: Grandwest casino & Entertainment World Sun Park

Ticket Purchase– TBC

Cost– R175 to R1022 based on various packages

Contact– 0218243132


3: Street Food Festival

The upcoming food festival is getting organized for the 5th time of this year. This is the promising event with lots of street foods, music, and fun for 10 days. You can enjoy your weekend with friends and loved ones with delicious fresh foods and live music.

Dates– 1st to 10th September 2018

Venue– Side Street Studios,48 Albert Road, Woodstock, 7925 Cape Town.

Cost of the ticket– R50 for weekdays and R80 for weekend

Contact– 0214486511


4: DSTV Delicious Food & Music Festival 

It is an International Food & Music Festival that is the favorite of locals and foreigners to Johannesburg, South Africa. Festival-goers are offered a wide range of options like popular street foods, mouth-watering snacks, and amazing drinks.

Date– 22nd-23rd September 2018

Venue– Kyalami Grand Prix Circuit, Johannesburg

Cost– R495 for weekdays, R800 for Sunday, R250 for children



If you are a fun-loving visitor to South Africa then enjoy the taste-bud tickling foods in top restaurants in Johannesburg, Durban & Cape Town and rock with the activities and fun of upcoming food festivals in different cities of the place.