Delectable Quail Dishes You Can Opt For In Cape Town Restaurants

Quail meat is a sweet and delicate white game meat with extremely low skin fat and low cholesterol value. It is tender, delicious and tastier than Chicken and rich in micronutrients and a wide range of vitamins. That’s why quail meat is recommended for people with high cholesterol levels and those who want to maintain a low level of cholesterol. Most of the renowned food blogs of Cape Town are of high-praise for several quail dishes cooked in the top restaurants of the town.

Even a few years ago chicken was the most-preferred meat among the South Africans. But with the time, numerous restaurants wanted to give something new to their customers in order to tickle their taste buds and make themselves popular started to offer delectable dishes made of quail meat. Some of the exotic quail dishes you can find in the top restaurants of Cape Town are the result of their effort to offer something new. Restaurants such as La Colombe has introduced quail dishes in the most innovative way to their customers. The barbeque quail served with aubergine, gem squash and coconut has become one of La Colombe’s signature dishes.

Here is a list of mouth-watering quail dishes you can opt for

  • Sausage Stuffed Quail
  • Grilled Quail & Grilled Quail With Miso
  • Quail in Rose Petal Sauce
  • Barbecued Texas-Style Quail
  • Tandoori Marinated Quail
  • Pomegranate-Cinnamon Grilled Quail

According to the food blogs of Cape Town, quail are fairly lean and good for roasting, grilling, and casseroling; they also make fantastic curries. It’s up to you which dish you want to taste. Food bloggers also suggest that, just because cooking quail is a tricky task that you cannot perform simply by watching cooking videos, it is better to have it in a renowned eating spot rather than preparing it at home. And if you still want to cook it for surprising someone, go through the recipes properly and seek help from the professional chefs.