Judge the Authenticity of a Genuine Food Blogging Site like a Pro

There is no doubt that food blogging sites and food bloggers have got the status of a celebrity. They got people influenced by their writings and authentic assessment of the dish they are eating or the restaurant they are visiting. There are thousands of food bloggers and food blogging websites in Johannesburg and all over the world but not all of them are credible. Few writers are appointed by the restaurants to promote them and needless to say that you are not going to get a genuine view of the food or the ambiance of the resto by reading their blogs.

Confit pork belly with purple cabbage, blueberries, apple gel, crackling and a ginger and carrot reduction from The Chefs Table.

With the growing influence of the food critics in our life, it is really important for us to know about their truthfulness. Here we are offering you few tips to detect the authenticity of the blog and the blogger-

  • If you closely follow some of the prominent online food blogging websites, you can find one thing in common, they do not try to impose their thoughts to the readers. It is their unbiased view without attempting to influence the reader that makes them credible.
  • A genuine food blogging website will give information on various types of food from a host of restaurants. They will not only write about few restaurants. If you are following a food website that keeps on talking about a certain or few particular eating places or restaurants, then the chances are high that you are not following a genuine blogger.
  • Renowned food bloggers are quite active in the social media and they love to interact with their followers and exchange their thoughts and views. A food blogger with not so strong social media presence may not be a professional food critic or blogger. So it is good to follow food websites and bloggers with massive fan-following on the social media platforms.
  • The mark of authenticity of a genuine food blogging websites in Johannesburg is the images they put with their articles are original and not taken from somewhere else such as Google Images or Pinterest.

Hope this information will prove really valuable to judge the food blog site you are following or about to follow is genuine or not. Make your dining memorable with correct information and news.

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